Solidarity arts in Sokołowsko, Poland

Open Call for Residency, Shelter, Transport, Workspace in Architecture, Art & Science, Audiovisual Media, Design, Digital Culture, Heritage, Literature, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts

Pезиденція для митців – 18-30 років.
Покривається харчування, проживання, страховка, витрати на проїзд, кишенькові гроші та місцевий транспорт.

Duration: 10 months
Deadline: ongoing
Topic: The mail goal of our ESC project is to share European Solidarity through the Arts and Culture and empower the Social Community with creative, multi-arts and innovative methods. We are looking for Polish participants as well.
Applications: ONLINE -
Finances: Project is co-financed by European Solidarity Corps programme. Food, accommodation, insurance, travel costs, pocket money and local transportation is covered.
Candidates profile: 18-30 years old, resident of European and EU neighbouring countries, also Polish interested in contemporary arts, creativity, art festivals and productions.

