Tanz+Blau+Gelb, Germany
Advice, Free Lessons, Shelter in Performing Arts
5-10 місць для щоденних занять класом
допомога з житлом
координація на місті, адміністративна допомога та інша допомога з адаптацією
Praetorian offers practical help for Ukrainian dance artists.
Dear Friends, during the past 2 days with the support of Tobias Ehinger, CEO of the Theater Dortmund we have set up a model to:
1) Connect previously Ukrainian resident, war refugee dance professionals, and vocational dance students with German dance organizations
2) Provide network and reliable information about training possibilities and work opportunities within the German professional dance scene
3) Advise and support them to find a place where they can continue dance training and to maintain their condition
We can be contacted through:
Hotline (in English) Mo.-Fr. 9:00-13:00 & 16:30-18:00 CET
Viber: +491743532469
WhatsApp: +491743532469